Investing always involves some risk. Unfortunately, the safest investments generally pay the smallest returns, while riskier investments pay the highest returns. Financial professionals will tell you that successful investing requires a full understanding of not just the potential rewards of an investment but all of the risks, as well.
Investment advisors are required to fully spell out the risks involved in a particular investment so you can make an informed and educated decision. They are also required to tailor your investments to your financial situation, and insure that you are investing in suitable investment vehicles. Unscrupulous advisors often will hide or skim over high risk details to take advantage of clients and generate fees for themselves.
Even the most trustworthy investment brokerage and other financial companies can have brokers or advisors who “churn” accounts by excessive buying and selling to run up commissions, or place clients in unsuitable investments. The savviest investor can be treated improperly, even at high end brokerage firms.
In addition to navigating the risks of legitimate investments, investors looking for good returns can also can fall prey to Ponzi schemes and other fraudulent investments. Perpetrators of these schemes often lie about the true nature of the investments, including risks and potential returns. Often, schemes are designed to bring in investor money with no intention of safeguarding or returning it.
Recently, a number of Atlanta investors lost millions of dollars in a fraudulent real estate investment. These so called “reins,” or real estate investment notes, sounded like legitimate investments, but were in fact entirely fake.
Unfortunately, many financial scams appear valid and lucrative on the surface, enough to fool even educated investors. Creative scammers constantly invent new investment schemes to con unwary investors. Early investors may receive good returns, making it more difficult to uncover the truth before its too late. When a fraud unravels, almost always without warning, victims typically face the total loss of their investments.
If you have been harmed by a fraudulent investment, the experienced business fraud legal team at Brownstein and Nguyen can help you recover your losses. Our attorneys have recovered millions of dollars for drefrauded investors in the Atlanta area.
Brownstein and Nguyen wants to protect investors and can help you recover from improper financial dealings. Fill out our contact form on the right side of this page for more details regarding your possible case.